参议员敦促两党在移民问题上作出努力,重点是保护梦想者和边界安全。 Senators urge bipartisan effort on immigration, focusing on protecting Dreamers and securing borders.
由马克·凯利领导的13名民主党参议员呼吁参议院多数党领袖约翰·图恩为边境安全和移民问题制定两党解决方案。 Thirteen Democratic senators, led by Mark Kelly, have called on Senate Majority Leader John Thune to work on bipartisan solutions for border security and immigration. 参议员们敦促开展协作,解决保护梦想家和农场工人、改善移民制度、确保边境安全等问题,而不是单方面推进计划。 The senators urged collaboration to address issues like protecting Dreamers and farm workers, improving the immigration system, and securing borders, rather than advancing plans unilaterally. 他们辩称,两党合作可以为美国人民带来更好的结果。 They argue that bipartisan cooperation can lead to better outcomes for the American people.