PTI党和PML-N党的巴基斯坦政治领导人在现场电视上战斗,引起全国的谴责。 Pakistani political leaders from PTI and PML-N parties fought on live TV, drawing national condemnation.
在巴基斯坦的电视现场辩论中,来自敌对政党PTI和PML-N的领导人当着全国观众的面进行身体搏斗、交换拳击和踢脚。 In a live TV debate in Pakistan, leaders from rival political parties, PTI and PML-N, engaged in a physical fight, trading punches and kicks in front of a national audience. 这种争吵是继这些政党成员在现场讨论期间以往发生暴力事件之后发生的。 This altercation follows previous instances of violence between members of these parties during live discussions. 这一事件引发了对社交媒体的广泛批评,许多人谴责政治领导人缺乏专业精神。 The incident has sparked widespread criticism on social media, with many condemning the lack of professionalism among political leaders.