Grange Jordan和SoftAtHome首次推出世界上首个基于插座的宽带解决方案,加强了家庭网络。 Orange Jordan and SoftAtHome debut world's first prpl-based broadband solution, enhancing home networks.
Orange Jordan 和 SoftAtHome 推出了世界上第一个基于 prpl 的宽带解决方案,该解决方案具有家庭网关和 Wi-Fi 中继器。 Orange Jordan and SoftAtHome have launched the world's first prpl-based broadband solution featuring a home gateway and Wi-Fi repeater. 这一新的解决办法由PrplWare和SoftAtHome产品驱动,延长了橙色装置的寿命,使操作员能够更独立地提供新的服务。 This new solution, powered by prplWare and SoftAtHome products, extends the lifespan of Orange devices and allows operators more independence to offer new services. 它包括先进的特征,如VoIP、智能 Wi-Fi算法、加强安全和与现有基础设施的兼容性,标志着开放源码创新的重要一步。 It includes advanced features like VoIP, smart Wi-Fi algorithms, enhanced security, and compatibility with existing infrastructure, marking a significant step in open-source innovation.