詹姆斯・宾克斯,曼彻斯特市议会助理首席执行官 成为罗克代尔的新首席执行官 James Binks, assistant chief exec at Manchester City Council, becomes Rochdale's new chief exec.
目前任曼彻斯特市议会助理首席执行官的詹姆斯·宾克斯被任命为罗克代尔市议会新任首席执行官,取代史蒂夫·伦贝洛。 James Binks, currently an assistant chief executive at Manchester City Council, has been appointed as the new chief executive of Rochdale Council, replacing Steve Rumbelow. Binks在公共服务改革和权力下放方面具有丰富经验,也将领导海伍德、Middleton和Rochdale的国民保健服务。 Binks, with extensive experience in public service reform and devolution, will also lead NHS services for Heywood, Middleton, and Rochdale. 理事会希望宾克斯会帮助 继续改善区服务。 The council hopes Binks will help continue to improve the borough's services.