Ellen Rule 是一位经验丰富的 NHS 专业人士,被任命为赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡健康信托基金的首席执行官。 Ellen Rule, an experienced NHS professional, appointed as chief executive of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health Trust.
Ellen Rules是具有18年以上经验的老旧国民保健制度专业人员,被任命为5月1日开始的赫里福德郡和伍斯特郡保健和护理国家保健制度信托基金的新首席执行官。 Ellen Rule, a veteran NHS professional with over 18 years of experience, has been appointed as the new chief executive of Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust, starting May 1. 规则将取代临时首席执行官Robert Mackie,自2003年以来担任各种高级职务,众所周知,她注重预防疾病和发展以人为中心的护理。 Rule, who will replace interim CEO Robert Mackie, has held various senior roles since 2003 and is known for her focus on preventing ill health and developing person-centered care. 信托主席Mark Yates赞扬了《规则》的领导才能和以耐心为重点的方法。 Trust Chair Mark Yates praised Rule's leadership and patient-focused approach.