印度2025年共和国日游行突显军事整合与三军餐桌和来自印度尼西亚的宾客特遣队。 India's 2025 Republic Day Parade highlights military integration with a Tri-Services tableau and guest contingent from Indonesia.
印度将在2025年共和国日游行中, 以「强力与保障印度安全」为主题, 首演三军游行, In the 2025 Republic Day Parade, India will debut a Tri-Services tableau under the theme "Strong and Secure India," showcasing jointness among its Armed Forces. 该展品包括一个联合行动室以及Arjun坦克和Tejas飞机等本土军事平台。 The display includes a Joint Operations Room and indigenous military platforms like the Arjun tank and Tejas aircraft. 今年是国防部“改革年”,强调融合。 This year marks the "Year of Reforms" for the Ministry of Defence, emphasizing integration. 游行中还将有一支来自印度尼西亚的特遣队,由印度尼西亚总统担任首席客人。 The parade will also feature a contingent from Indonesia, with Indonesia's President as the Chief Guest.