Pune将在1月15日举办印度军队日游行, 展示机器人驴等新技术。 Pune will host India's Army Day Parade on Jan. 15, showcasing new tech like robotic mules.
Pune将首次在1月15日举办印度军队日游行, 展示印度军队的科技进步, Pune will host India's Army Day Parade for the first time on January 15, showcasing the Indian Army's technological advancements, including robotic mules designed for reconnaissance and security. 传统上在德里举行游行,游行轮流在不同的城市进行,让当地社区参与。 Traditionally held in Delhi, the parade rotates to different cities to engage local communities. 这次活动将举办战斗展示、无人机、机器人和“了解你的军队”展览, The event will feature combat displays, drones, robotics, and a "Know Your Army" exhibition, emphasizing inclusivity and technological innovation.