Meta 在印度就 WhatsApp 与其他 Meta 产品共享数据而被罚款 $27.6M 提出上诉。 Meta appeals $27.6M penalty in India over WhatsApp data sharing with other Meta products.
Meta平台公司对印度竞争委员会(CCI)对据称在WessApp2021年更新隐私政策时滥用其支配地位而判处的213.14卢比(2 760万美元)罚款提出上诉。 Meta Platforms Inc. has appealed a Rs 213.14 crore ($27.6 million) penalty imposed by India's Competition Commission (CCI) for allegedly abusing its dominant position with WhatsApp's 2021 privacy policy update. 这个案件定于1月16日审理, 质疑CCI关于五年内停止与其他Meta产品分享WhesApp用户数据的命令, The case, set for January 16, challenges the CCI's order to stop sharing WhatsApp user data with other Meta products for advertising for five years. Meta辩称,CCI的决定具有广泛的行业影响,要求加快听证。 Meta argues the CCI's decision has broad industry implications and seeks an expedited hearing.