印度总理莫迪向巴拉萨哈布·塔凯雷致敬, 称赞他作为希夫·塞纳创始人所留下的遗产。 Indian PM Modi honored Balasaheb Thackeray, praising his legacy as Shiv Sena founder.
总理纳伦德拉·莫迪在Shiv Sena党创始人巴拉萨赫布·塔凯雷第99个出生周年之际向他致敬,赞扬他对公共福利和马哈拉施特拉邦发展的承诺。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid tribute to Balasaheb Thackeray, founder of the Shiv Sena party, on his 99th birth anniversary, praising his commitment to public welfare and Maharashtra's development. Thackeray以倡导“Marathi manoos”事业和后来拥护印度民族主义而闻名,2012年去世。 Thackeray, known for advocating the "Marathi manoos" cause and later embracing Hindu nationalism, passed away in 2012. 自他死后,Shiv Sena分裂成两个派别,由他的儿子Uddhav Thackeray和Eknath Shinde领导,每个派别都计划单独集会,要求继承他的遗产。 Since his death, the Shiv Sena has split into two factions, led by his son Uddhav Thackeray and Eknath Shinde, each planning separate rallies to claim his legacy.