人类协会发现拉斯维加斯商店虐待生病的小狗, 引发禁止宠物销售的法案。 Humane Society finds sick puppies mistreated in Las Vegas stores, sparking bill to ban pet sales.
人道协会发现拉斯维加斯宠物店虐待病小狗, 包括生活条件差、兽医护理不足, 导致议员Natha Anderson计划一项法案, 禁止商店卖宠物。 The Humane Society uncovered mistreatment of sick puppies in Las Vegas pet stores, including poor living conditions and lack of veterinary care, leading Assemblywoman Natha Anderson to plan a bill to ban pet sales in stores. 调查将这些商店与不道德的小狗磨坊联系起来, 而一些立法者担心禁令可能会恶化非法育种。 The investigation links these stores to unethical puppy mills, while some lawmakers worry the ban could worsen illegal breeding. 尽管有城市法规,但非法育种问题依然存在。 Despite city regulations, issues with illegal breeding persist.