墨尔本鹿园发生火灾,造成一人死亡,另一名男子受轻伤。 A house fire in Melbourne's Deer Park led to one fatality and another man with minor injuries.
在墨尔本鹿角公园发生的一起房屋火灾造成一人死亡,另有一名男子在30多岁时受伤,无生命危险,被送往脚笔医院。 A house fire in Melbourne's Deer Park resulted in one fatality and another man in his 30s with non-life-threatening injuries, who was taken to Footscray Hospital. 邻居拯救了死者并试图进行心肺复苏,但无法恢复他的生命。 Neighbors rescued the deceased victim and attempted CPR but were unable to revive him. 维多利亚警察局正在调查火灾原因和事件的具体情况。 Victoria Police are investigating the cause of the fire and the specific circumstances of the incident.