欧盟消费者团体批评Meta的数据政策, 认为该政策迫使用户接受有针对性的广告。 EU consumer group criticizes Meta's data policy, arguing it pressures users into targeted ads.
欧洲消费者组织(BEUC)批评Meta平台公司的“付费或同意”数据政策,称该政策有可能违反欧盟消费者保护法和隐私条例。 The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) has criticized Meta Platforms Inc.'s "pay-or-consent" data policy, stating it potentially violates EU consumer protection laws and privacy regulations. 尽管最近政策有所改变,BEUC认为,用户没有获得公平的选择,公司继续引导他们进行有针对性的广告。 Despite recent policy changes, BEUC argues that users are not given a fair choice and the company continues to steer them towards targeted advertising. 该团体要求欧盟当局立即进行调查。 The group demands a prompt investigation by EU authorities.