埃塞俄比亚的族裔紧张关系升级,原因是通过先进技术传播虚假信息以及媒体识字率低。 Ethnic tensions in Ethiopia escalate due to disinformation spread via advanced technology and low media literacy.
假消息正在埃塞俄比亚加剧种族紧张局势,在那里,先进技术和低媒体素养被利用来传播虚假信息。 Disinformation is worsening ethnic tensions in Ethiopia, where advanced technology and low media literacy are exploited to spread false information. 假新闻常导致冲突加剧。 With 36 million online users and a history of deep ethnic and political divisions, fake news often leads to heightened conflicts. 专家们强调,需要提高媒体的识字率,用当地语言进行更多的事实检查,以遏制虚假和暴力内容的传播。 Experts stress the need for better media literacy and more fact-checking in local languages to counter the spread of false and violent content.