研究发现,离婚父母的子女在晚年面临61%更高的中风风险。 Children of divorced parents face a 61% higher stroke risk in later life, study finds.
根据对超过13 000名65岁及65岁以上的美国人进行的一项研究,其父母在童年时期离婚的儿童晚年中风风险较高,为61%。 Children whose parents divorced during their childhood have a 61% higher risk of stroke in later life, according to a study of over 13,000 Americans aged 65 and older. 研究人员发现,即使在考虑到吸烟和儿童虐待等其他风险因素后,这种联系仍然存在,这表明父母分离造成的压力可能影响长期健康。 Researchers found the link persisted even after considering other risk factors like smoking and childhood abuse, suggesting that stress from parental separation may impact long-term health. 该研究报告发表在SPLOS One中,其中建议,对离婚父母的子女及早干预和支持可有助于减轻这些风险。 The study, published in PLOS One, proposes that early intervention and support for children of divorced parents could help mitigate these risks.