雪佛兰召回 2,890 辆 Equinox 电动汽车,原因是自适应巡航控制中存在软件缺陷。 Chevrolet recalls 2,890 Equinox EVs due to a software flaw in the adaptive cruise control.
雪佛兰正在召回 2,890 辆 Equinox EV AWD 汽车,因为软件问题影响了自适应巡航控制系统,该系统在某些情况下可能无法正确应用制动。 Chevrolet is recalling 2,890 Equinox EV AWD vehicles due to a software issue affecting the adaptive cruise control system, which may fail to properly apply brakes in certain situations. 没有报告发生事故或受伤。 No accidents or injuries have been reported. 所有者将在3月收到信件,指示他们将其车辆带往经销商,以便免费更新软件。 Owners will receive letters in March with instructions to bring their vehicles to dealerships for a free software update. 这一点突出了对电动车辆电子系统的持续关切。 This recall highlights ongoing concerns with electronic systems in electric vehicles.