Carl King因纵火焚烧孟菲斯的商场而被捕,造成410万美元的损失。 Carl King arrested for setting fire to a Memphis strip mall, causing $4.1 million in damages.
Carl King因在孟菲斯夏季大道的一家脱衣购物中心纵火而被捕,造成410万美元的损失。 Carl King has been arrested for setting an arson fire at a strip mall on Summer Avenue in Memphis, causing about $4.1 million in damages. 建筑物外侧故意放火,孟菲斯消防局作了5小时反应。 The fire, which was intentionally set on the exterior of the building, led to a five-hour response by the Memphis Fire Department. 没有人员受伤的报告,但附近企业和居民由于烟雾而不得不撤离。 No injuries were reported, but nearby businesses and residents had to evacuate due to smoke.