新德里2025年的Bharat流动全球博览会展示了1 500多名展览者提出的可持续交通运输创新。 The Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025 in New Delhi showcased sustainable transport innovations from over 1,500 exhibitors.
2025年在新德里举行的Bharat流动全球博览会有1 500多名参展者参加,吸引了500 000多名游客。 The Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, held in New Delhi, featured over 1,500 exhibitors and attracted more than 500,000 visitors. 关键活动包括第三次在流动中利用生态能源国际专题讨论会,其重点是可持续流动性和碳中性。 Key events included the 3rd International Symposium for Thriving Eco-Energy in Mobility, which focused on sustainable mobility and carbon neutrality. 博览会展示了汽车、技术和流动部门领先品牌的创新,促进了印度在自力更生和可持续运输方面的进展。 The expo showcased innovations from leading brands in automotive, technology, and mobility sectors, promoting India's progress towards self-reliance and sustainable transportation.