印度主办2025年能源周,重点是可再生能源和去碳化,有70 000名代表。 India hosts Energy Week 2025, focusing on renewable energy and decarbonization with 70,000 delegates.
印度2025年能源周将于2月11日至14日在新德里举行, 来自120个国家的70,000多名代表将聚集一堂。 India Energy Week 2025, happening in New Delhi from Feb 11-14, will bring together over 70,000 delegates from 120 countries. 这次活动由石油与天然气部组织,重点是去碳化和低碳经济。 Organized by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, the event focuses on decarbonization and low-carbon economies. 它包括700个展览者、10个国家展厅,以及能源的复原力、创新和领导等关键主题。 It includes 700 exhibitors, 10 country pavilions, and key themes like resilience, innovation, and leadership in energy. 这次活动还促进印度在可再生能源和电池储存和氢生产等技术方面的进展。 The event also promotes India's progress in renewable energy and technologies like battery storage and hydrogen production.