ADD港口集团和埃及的目标是在亚历山大开发一个1.1平方公里的物流园,以促进贸易和就业。 AD Ports Group and Egypt aim to develop a 1.1 sq km logistics park in Alexandria to boost trade and jobs.
AD Ports Group与埃及工业和运输部签署了一项协定,探讨在亚历山大港开发一个后勤园区,面积1.1平方公里,位于亚历山大港。 AD Ports Group has signed an agreement with Egypt's Ministry of Industry and Transport to explore the development of a logistics park in Alexandria, covering 1.1 square kilometers at Alexandria Port. 这个港口处理大约60%的埃及对外贸易。 This port handles about 60% of Egypt's foreign trade. 该项目与埃及海运和陆地运输控股公司合作,旨在通过利用埃及的贸易流动促进经济增长和创造就业机会。 The project, in collaboration with Egypt's Holding Company for Maritime and Land Transportation, aims to boost economic growth and create jobs by leveraging Egypt's trade flows.