丹麦Maersk公司在沙特阿拉伯开设了最大的后勤园,金额为2.5亿美元,用于经济支助和符合《2030年远景规划》。 Danish firm Maersk opens the largest logistics park in Saudi Arabia at $250 million for economic support and alignment with Vision 2030.
丹麦航运和后勤公司Maersk在沙特阿拉伯开设了最大的物流园,费用为2.5亿美元。 Danish shipping and logistics firm Maersk has opened its largest logistics park in Saudi Arabia at a cost of $250 million. 位于吉达伊斯兰港的225 000平方米设施是中东最大的单一地点后勤和服务设施。 The 225,000 square metre facility, located at the Jeddah Islamic Port, is the largest single-site logistics and services facility in the Middle East. 该公园旨在支持沙特王国的经济活动,为贸易提供高效率的物流服务,加强供应链和物流,并促进沙特阿拉伯物流行业的增长。 The park aims to support economic activity in the Kingdom, provide efficient logistics services for trade, enhance supply chains and logistics, and contribute to Saudi Arabia's logistics industry growth. 该设施使用70%的太阳能,有一个内部妇女学院,以促进劳动力多样化,并与沙特2030年愿景保持一致。 The facility uses 70% solar energy, has an in-house women's academy to promote workforce diversity, and is aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.