苏黎世·科塔克总保险(Zurich Kotak General Insurance)澄清说,旅行保险并不覆盖一切,对所有旅行者都至关重要。 Zurich Kotak General Insurance clarifies that travel insurance doesn't cover everything and is crucial for all travelers.
苏黎世·科塔克总保险公司揭穿了一般旅行保险的神话。 Zurich Kotak General Insurance debunks common travel insurance myths. 它澄清说,政策并不涵盖一切,而且有排除条款,特别是高风险地区。 It clarifies that policies don't cover everything and have exclusions, especially for high-risk areas. 尽管费用可能很高,但旅行保险可提供大量保护,防止发生医疗和旅行紧急情况。 Despite potential costs, travel insurance offers significant protection against medical and travel emergencies. 不仅针对老年人,而且需要在旅行前购买,有些国家需要。 It's not just for the elderly and needs to be purchased before travel, with some countries requiring it. 甚至短期旅行也得益于对取消、医疗问题和遗失行李的保险。 Even short trips benefit from coverage for cancellations, medical issues, and lost luggage.