威斯康星州共和党人提出一项法案,允许候选人轻易地从选票上删除自己的名字。 Wisconsin Republicans propose a bill to allow candidates to remove their names from the ballot easily.
威斯康星州的共和党立法者提议一项法案,允许候选人通过提交宣誓声明和支付名义费用从选票上除名。 Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin propose a bill to allow candidates to remove their names from the ballot by submitting a sworn statement and paying a nominal fee. 这解决了罗伯特·肯尼迪二世所面临的问题,由于严格的州法律,他去年无法从总统选票上取出他的名字。 This addresses the issue faced by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who couldn't get his name off the presidential ballot last year due to strict state laws. 该法案不适用于主要政党总统候选人,需要立法机构和托尼·埃弗斯总督批准。 The bill does not apply to major party presidential candidates and needs approval from the Legislature and Governor Tony Evers.