Kennedy上诉法官因虚假居留申请被从纽约总统投票中除名。 Kennedy appeals judge's removal from NY presidential ballot due to false residency claim.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 正在对法官的决定提出上诉,该法官决定将他从纽约的总统选举中除名,理由是他在请愿书上谎称他是纽约居民。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is appealing a judge's decision to remove him from New York's presidential ballot due to falsely claiming to be a New York resident on his petition forms. Kennedy的法律团队认为,没有证据表明他的住所受到欺骗或混淆,他有权认为自己是纽约客。 Kennedy's legal team argues there is no evidence of deception or confusion concerning his residence and that he is right to consider himself a New Yorker. 预计上诉法院将很快作出裁决,肯尼迪在州法院就欺骗性签名收集做法的指控面临单独质疑。 The decision from the appeals court is expected soon, and Kennedy faces a separate challenge in a state court over allegations of deceptive signature-gathering practices.