由退伍军人在Jorvik Viking节的首尔建造的维京长艇,旨在支持心理健康。 A Viking longboat built by veterans debuts at the Jorvik Viking Festival to support mental health.
一艘名为 Stormbird 的全尺寸维京长船由 60 多名退伍军人历时四年建造,将于 2 月 17 日至 22 日在约克举行的 Jorvik 维京节上首次亮相。 A full-sized Viking longboat named Stormbird, built by over 60 veterans over four years, is set to debut at the Jorvik Viking Festival in York from February 17 to 22. 该项目由英雄救助中心迁至达林顿(Darlington), 目的是通过团队合作及建立友爱, 支持退伍军人的心理健康。 The project, which moved from a Help For Heroes center to Darlington due to the pandemic, aims to support veterans' mental health through teamwork and building camaraderie. 活动结束后, " 风暴鸟 " 将在英国举办更多活动,监督项目的慈善机构计划扩大项目范围,开办新的项目和培训课程。 After the festival, Stormbird will make more appearances in the UK, and the charity overseeing the project plans to expand with new projects and training courses.