美国逃犯Trevor Collison被指控对儿童进行剥削,在国际搜捕后在印度尼西亚被捕。 US fugitive Trevor Collison, accused of child exploitation, arrested in Indonesia after international manhunt.
Trevor Collison是32岁的爱荷华男子,被控对儿童进行性剥削,2024年8月逃离美国后在印度尼西亚被捕。 Trevor Collison, a 32-year-old Iowa man accused of child sexual exploitation, was arrested in Indonesia after fleeing the U.S. in August 2024. 美国元帅通过几个南太平洋国家追踪到他 US Marshals tracked him through several South Pacific countries. Collison在印度尼西亚试图续签签证时被拘留,并将在美国因对儿童进行性剥削和拥有儿童色情制品而面临联邦指控。 Collison was detained when he tried to renew his visa in Indonesia and will face federal charges in the U.S. for sexual exploitation of a child and possession of child pornography.