TVA要求田纳西州客户减少电力使用, TVA asks Tennessee customers to cut electricity use due to record cold, peak demand.
田纳西河谷管理局(TVA)正要求客户减少用电量, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is asking customers to reduce electricity usage due to high demand from cold temperatures. 建议客户将自动调温器降至65-68度,推迟使用大型电器,并关闭非必要的灯光和电器,特别是在1月22日上午6时至10时之间。 Customers are advised to lower thermostats to 65-68 degrees, postpone using large appliances, and turn off non-essential lights and appliances, especially between 6-10 a.m. on January 22. TVA预计需求将达到创纪录的高峰,并正在努力防止电网承受压力。 TVA expects a record peak demand and is working to prevent strain on the power grid. 当地公用事业机构正在敦促合作节省能源和资金。 Local utilities are urging cooperation to save energy and money.