Smashing Pumpkins 的 Billy Corgan 和喜剧演员 Bill Burr 在 Howie Mandel 的播客上解决了同父异母兄弟的传闻。 Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan and comedian Bill Burr address half-brother rumors on Howie Mandel's podcast.
Smashing Pumpkins 的主唱 Billy Corgan 和喜剧演员 Bill Burr 在 Howie Mandel 播客的一次惊喜会议上谈到了可能是同父异母兄弟的传闻。 Billy Corgan, lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins, and comedian Bill Burr addressed rumors of potentially being half-brothers during a surprise meeting on Howie Mandel's podcast. 当科尔的继母 认为伯尔可能是科尔的父亲的私生子时 就开始了猜测 The speculation began when Corgan's stepmother suggested Burr might be one of Corgan's father's illegitimate children. 曼德尔在播客上安排了一次家庭重聚 导致幽默的交流 但没有确认他们的实际关系 Mandel orchestrated a family reunion on the podcast, leading to humorous exchanges but no confirmation of their actual relation.