Billy Corgan承认Smashing Pumpkins的歌曲从Metallica的"燃料"中汲取灵感。 Billy Corgan admits Smashing Pumpkins' song draws inspiration from Metallica's "Fuel."
Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins的主唱, 将Metallica的歌曲“Fuel”与他的乐团的曲目“Scorched地球的纪录”比较, 指出它们惊人的相似性。 Billy Corgan, lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins, compared Metallica's song "Fuel" to his band's track "Tales of a Scorched Earth," noting their striking similarity. 在Everblack Podcast的露面期间, Corgan承认向Metallica借思想, 指出音乐家常常因吉他笔数有限而互相启发。 During an Everblack Podcast appearance, Corgan admitted borrowing ideas from Metallica, noting that musicians often draw inspiration from each other due to the limited number of guitar notes. Corgan对Metallica表示钦佩, 并特别赞扬James Hetfield的写作。 Despite the similarities, Corgan expressed admiration for Metallica and especially praised James Hetfield's riff writing.