罗马尼亚工人在用刀、猫进入派出所后被英国警察开枪打死;正在进行调查。 Romanian worker shot dead by UK police after entering station with knife, cat; inquest underway.
一名名叫Marius Ciolac的35岁的罗马尼亚建筑工人在用刀和一只活猫进入警察局大院后,在联合王国德比被警察枪杀。 A 35-year-old Romanian construction worker named Marius Ciolac was fatally shot by police in Derby, UK, after entering a police station compound with a knife and a live cat in a bag. 尽管警察试图用非致命手段制服他,Ciolac在接近武装人员时被射中腹部。 Despite police attempts to subdue him with non-lethal means, Ciolac was shot in the stomach when he approached armed officers. 他后来在医院死亡。 He later died in the hospital. 在尸体摄像头上捕捉到的这起事件正在调查之中,预计调查将持续四周。 The incident, captured on body cameras, is under investigation in an inquest expected to last four weeks.