巴基斯坦参议员批评将印度河水改道的计划, 担心这会伤害信德人的农场。 Pakistani senators criticize plan to divert Indus River water, fearing it could harm Sindh's farms.
在巴基斯坦, 参议员批评政府计划将印度河的水改用于公司农作, In Pakistan, senators are criticizing the government's plan to divert water from the Indus River for corporate farming, arguing it could harm Sindh's agriculture. 批评者说,该计划包括建造6个新运河,是未经适当协商提出的,可能导致缺水。 Critics say the plan, which includes building six new canals, was proposed without proper consultation and could lead to water shortages. 巴基斯坦人民党(PPP)和反对党呼吁由解决省际事务的宪法机构共同利益理事会(CCI)处理这一问题。 The Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and opposition parties have called for the issue to be addressed by the Council of Common Interests (CCI), a constitutional body for resolving inter-provincial matters. 政府否认水资源减少,并声称Cholistan运河正在Sutlej河上建造,使用旁遮普省分配的水。 The government denies any reduction in water shares and asserts that the Cholistan Canal is being built on the Sutlej River using Punjab's allocated water.