新西兰学校寻求雇主提供工作经验方案,帮助有特殊需要的学生。 New Zealand school seeks employers for work experience program aiding students with special needs.
新西兰Rangiora中学正在寻求当地雇主向有特殊需要的学生提供工作经验,包括自闭症、唐氏综合症和脑麻痹。 Rangiora High School in New Zealand is seeking local employers to offer work experience to students with special needs, including autism, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy. 灯塔方案支持35名学生,旨在帮助这些有意愿和有能力的人从学校过渡到劳动力队伍。 The Lighthouse program, which supports 35 students, aims to help these willing and capable individuals transition from school to the workforce. 学校董事会支持该方案,允许学生留到21岁为止。 The school's Board of Trustees backs the program, which allows students to stay until age 21.