53岁的Michael Shelonchik 在布鲁克林的Uber 被两名劫匪袭击后死亡 Michael Shelonchik, 53, died after being attacked by two robbers in his Uber in Brooklyn.
53岁的Michael Shelonchik在被两名男子殴打和抢劫后死亡,两人在布鲁克林科尼岛闯入他的Uber。 Michael Shelonchik, 53, died after being beaten and robbed by two men who entered his Uber in Brooklyn's Coney Island. 袭击发生在星期二晚上6时15分左右,地点在西第五街和海王星大道交叉口。 The attack happened Tuesday evening around 6:15 p.m. at the intersection of West 5th Street and Neptune Avenue. 司机注意到Shelonchik在几条街外昏迷不醒,将他带到Maimonides医疗中心,他在那里死亡。 The driver noticed Shelonchik unconscious a few blocks away and took him to Maimonides Medical Center, where he died. 警方正在调查此案,尚未逮捕任何人员。 Police are investigating the case with no arrests made yet. 死因正在等待验尸官的报告 The cause of death is pending the Medical Examiner's report.