兰斯·利文古德 (Lance Livengood) 在宾夕法尼亚州赖茨维尔 (Wrightsville) 被警察开枪,此前他持枪直播了威胁。 Lance Livengood was shot by police in Wrightsville, PA, after livestreaming threats while armed.
一名36岁的男子,Lance Livengood,在PA的Wrightsville被警察枪杀,因为他在社交媒体上生活,威胁在持有枪支时伤害自己和其他人。 A 36-year-old man, Lance Livengood, was shot by police in Wrightsville, PA, after he livestreamed himself on social media, threatening to harm himself and others while in possession of firearms. 利文古德带着一把上膛的猎枪出现在门口, 导致使用致命武力。 Officers responded to reports of his erratic behavior and Livengood appeared at his door with a loaded shotgun, leading to the use of deadly force. 他现在住院治疗,并被指控犯有严重攻击罪和其他罪行。 He is now hospitalized and charged with aggravated assault and other offenses. 地区检察官说,警官的行动是正当的。 The district attorney stated the officers' actions were justified.