印地安那图书馆反对让民选官员控制其税收权的法案, Indiana libraries oppose a bill that would let elected officials control their taxing powers, arguing it adds bureaucracy.
印第安纳图书馆正在反对一项新法案,该法案将赋予当选官员对其征税权力的控制权。 Indiana libraries are fighting a new bill that would give elected officials control over their taxing powers. 支持者说这会增加监督, 但图书馆则认为会增加官僚主义。 Supporters say it would increase oversight, but libraries argue it would add bureaucracy. 该法案由Gary Byrne先生提出,目前参议院税务和财政政策委员会暂时搁置,以便作出可能的修改。 The bill, proposed by Sen. Gary Byrne, is currently on hold in the Senate Tax and Fiscal Policy Committee for possible changes. 图书馆声称它们已经透明,定期进行审计和举行公开会议。 Libraries assert they are already transparent, with regular audits and public meetings.