加州考虑通过法案阻止图书馆书评委员会,因为人们担心图书禁令和审查制度。 California considers bill to prevent library book review committees amid concerns of book banning and censorship.
加利福尼亚州正在审议第1825号议会法案,以防止设立图书馆图书审查委员会,因为担心这些委员会可能导致禁止图书和审查。 California is considering Assembly Bill 1825 to prevent the establishment of library book review committees, amid concerns that such committees could lead to book banning and censorship. 该法案由加利福尼亚州议员Al Muratsuchi提出,旨在维护公共图书馆,作为所有美国人不同观点的源泉,因为在美国的学校和图书馆中遇到挑战的书籍数量大幅增加,其中近一半是LGBTQ或种族主题。 The bill, proposed by California Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi, aims to maintain public libraries as a source of diverse perspectives for all Americans, as there has been a significant increase in the number of books being challenged at schools and libraries in the US, with nearly half featuring LGBTQ or racial themes.