印度最高法院批评Assam对Matia营地270名被拘留者的解释不够充分。 Indian Supreme Court criticizes Assam for inadequate explanations on 270 detainees at Matia camp.
印度最高法院批评阿萨姆政府对于在Matia临时收容营拘留270名外国人的解释不足。 The Indian Supreme Court criticized the Assam government for inadequate explanations regarding the detention of 270 foreigners at Matia transit camp. 法院认为该邦的宣誓书“有缺陷”,并命令阿萨姆邦首席秘书通过视频会议参加下一次听证会。 The court found the state's affidavit "defective" and ordered the Assam Chief Secretary to attend the next hearing via video conference. 法院质疑为何继续拘留而不在驱逐问题上取得进展,并对国家将宣誓书密封为保密文件表示关切。 The court questioned why detentions were continuing without progress on deportation, and expressed concern over the state sealing the affidavit as confidential.