印度领导全球工作场所的数字转型,但与低网络安全培训的采用挣扎。 India leads global workplace digital transformation but struggles with low cybersecurity training adoption.
印度正在领导全球工作场所数字转型,成熟率为64.6%,超过了全球平均水平62.3%。 India is leading global workplace digital transformation with a maturity score of 64.6%, surpassing the global average of 62.3%. 然而,该国在网络安全方面面临挑战,只有37%的组织提供培训,而全球为41%。 However, the country faces challenges in cybersecurity, with only 37% of organizations offering training, compared to 41% globally. 仅有33%的印度组织遵循了安全远程工作准则,这突出表明需要改进网络安全措施。 Secure remote work guidelines are followed by just 33% of Indian organizations, highlighting the need for improved cybersecurity measures.