Kaspersky建议印度企业将网络安全预算增加20%, Kaspersky advises Indian businesses to increase cybersecurity budgets by 20% amid rising malware and ransomware attacks.
Kaspersky敦促印度企业将网络安全预算与数字转型目标挂钩, Kaspersky urges Indian businesses to align cybersecurity budgets with digital transformation goals as new technologies like AI and GenAI become vital for growth. 随着恶意软件和赎金软件袭击的增加,建议网络安全预算增长20%,以保护企业免受复杂的网络威胁。 With increasing malware and ransomware attacks, a 20% growth in cybersecurity budgets is suggested to protect businesses from sophisticated cyber threats. 印度政府也正在指导努力解决这些不断上升的风险。 The Indian government is also directing efforts to address these rising risks.