导盲犬警告说,狗会出现“一月忧郁症”,指出 59% 的狗表现出行为变化,但 88% 的主人报告说散步后心理健康状况有所改善。 Guide Dogs warns of "January blues" in dogs, noting 59% show behavioral changes, but 88% of owners report better mental health from walks.
“导盲犬”警告狗可能会经历“一月蓝调”, 反映人类的情绪, Guide Dogs warns that dogs may experience "January blues," reflecting human emotions due to factors like dark weather and disrupted routines. 对2 000名业主的调查发现,94%的人相信他们的狗感知人类情绪,59%的人注意到自1月以来的行为变化,例如不安和焦虑。 A survey of 2,000 owners found 94% believe their dogs sense human emotions, with 59% noting behavioral changes since January, such as restlessness and anxiety. 然而,88%的主人报告说,在走狗后心理健康有所改善。 However, 88% of owners reported improved mental health from walking their dogs. 本组织建议所有者监测其宠物的行为,并保持日常做法,以支持宠物和所有者。 The organization advises owners to monitor their pets' behavior and maintain routines to support both pets and owners.