Flavor Flavav启动GoFundMe援助被洛杉矶野火击中的黑人家庭, Flavor Flav starts GoFundMe to aid Black families hit by Los Angeles wildfires, raising $35K.
Flavor Flavav 与黑人音乐行动联盟合作,发起了GoFundMe募捐活动,以支持受洛杉矶野火影响的黑人家庭。 Flavor Flav has launched a GoFundMe fundraiser, in partnership with the Black Music Action Coalition, to support Black families affected by the Los Angeles wildfires. 该倡议旨在帮助帕萨迪纳/阿尔塔迪纳地区的700多个家庭。 The initiative aims to assist over 700 families in the Pasadena/Altadena area. 截至星期二,筹款活动筹集了近35 000美元,以帮助那些因大火而流离失所的人,这些大火造成许多房屋被毁,27人丧生。 As of Tuesday, the fundraiser had raised nearly $35,000 to help those displaced by the fires, which have resulted in the destruction of numerous homes and the loss of 27 lives.