音乐家Lil Wayne和Chris Brown被指控滥用大流行病救济基金作为奢侈品。 Musicians Lil Wayne and Chris Brown accused of misusing pandemic relief funds for luxury items.
包括Lil Wayne和Chris Brown在内的一些知名音乐家被指控在大流行病救济基金中滥用数百万美元。 Several high-profile musicians, including Lil Wayne and Chris Brown, are accused of misusing millions of dollars in pandemic relief funds. 据报告,Lil Wayne用供挣扎的场所和艺术家使用的 " 封闭地点操作员赠款 " 用于私人喷气式飞机和设计师服装等奢侈费用。 The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, intended for struggling venues and artists, was reportedly used by Lil Wayne for luxury expenses like private jets and designer clothes. Chris Brown的公司收到1 000万美元,Brown个人收到510万美元,据报在生日派对上花掉一部分。 Chris Brown's company received $10 million, with Brown personally receiving $5.1 million and reportedly spending part of it on his birthday party. 这种滥用引起了对救济基金的监督问题的关切。 This misuse has raised concerns about the oversight of the relief funds.