父亲在西班牙被发现被刺伤和枪击;家人要求进行第二次尸体解剖,因为嫌疑人出庭。 Father found stabbed and shot in Spain; family seeks second autopsy as suspect appears in court.
37岁的贝尔法斯特父亲约翰·乔治 在12月失踪后 在西班牙的阿利坎特被发现死亡 A 37-year-old Belfast father, John George, was found dead in Alicante, Spain, after going missing in December. 西班牙当局报告说,他遭到刺伤和枪击,导致其家人要求进行第二次尸体解剖。 Spanish authorities reported he was stabbed and shot, leading his family to request a second autopsy. 一名嫌疑人已出庭,并签发了逮捕令,使家人有进一步调查的希望。 A suspect has appeared in court, and arrest warrants have been issued, giving the family hope for further investigation.