英国游客在Los Ajaches自然公园附近徒步旅行后在西班牙兰萨罗特被发现死亡。 British tourist found dead in Lanzarote, Spain, after hiking near Los Ajaches natural park.
在西班牙兰萨罗特,一名英国游客在Los Ajaches自然公园附近徒步旅行时失踪后被发现死亡。 A British tourist was found dead in Lanzarote, Spain, after going missing while hiking near Los Ajaches natural park. 他的尸体位于Playa Mujeres和Playa de Las Cololadas之间。 His body was located between Playa Mujeres and Playa de Las Coloradas. 包括国民警卫队和警察在内的地方当局正在进行调查,但细节仍然有限。 Local authorities, including Civil Guard and police, are investigating, but details remain limited. 这一事件是继另一名英国国民、一名潜水潜水员最近在兰萨罗特海岸外死亡之后发生的。 This incident follows the recent death of another British national, a scuba diver, off the coast of Lanzarote. 预计不久将收到进一步资料。 Further information is anticipated soon.