印度尼西亚14亿美元的农业科技初创公司eFishery因涉嫌增加6亿美元的收入而面临调查. eFishery, a $1.4B Indonesian agritech startup, faces investigation for allegedly inflating revenue by $600M.
估值 14 亿美元、由软银和淡马锡支持的印度尼西亚农业科技初创公司 eFishery 因涉嫌夸大收入近 6 亿美元而接受调查。 Indonesian agritech startup eFishery, valued at $1.4 billion and backed by SoftBank and Temasek, is under investigation for allegedly inflating revenue by nearly $600 million. 由FTI咨询公司进行的初步报告表明,75%以上的报告数字是虚假的。 The preliminary report, conducted by FTI Consulting, suggests over 75% of the reported figures were false. 该公司向农民提供智能喂养设备,要求获得1 600万美元的利润,但据称蒙受了3 540万美元的损失。 The company, which provides smart feeding devices to farmers, claimed a $16 million profit but is alleged to have suffered a $35.4 million loss. 共同创始人兼首席执行官Gibran Huzaifah于12月被解职。 Co-founder and CEO Gibran Huzaifah was dismissed in December. 正在进行的调查可能会影响投资者对印度尼西亚创业部门的信心。 The ongoing investigation could impact investor confidence in Indonesia's startup sector.