中国寻求与东盟建立更深的数码联系,侧重于基础设施、AI和云计算。 China seeks deeper digital ties with ASEAN, focusing on infrastructure, AI, and cloud computing.
中国计划深化与东盟的数字伙伴关系,侧重于数字基础设施、云计算和AI治理。 China plans to deepen its digital partnership with ASEAN, focusing on digital infrastructure, cloud computing, and AI governance. 合作包括30多条跨境光缆和中国-东盟AI合作中心推进数字转换的计划。 The collaboration includes over 30 cross-border optical cables and plans for a China-ASEAN AI Cooperation Center to drive digital transformation. 在此之前,最近举行了部长级会议,目标是到2025年建立一个可持续和包容性的数字化生态系统。 This follows recent ministerial meetings and aims to build a sustainable and inclusive digital ecosystem by 2025.