中国为数字贸易制定了雄心勃勃的目标,目标是到2029年实现45%以上的服务数字化。 China sets ambitious targets for digital trade, aiming for over 45% of services to be digital by 2029.
中国的目标是大幅提升其数字贸易部门,目标是到2029年使45%以上的服务贸易能够以数字方式交付,到2035年提高到50%。 China aims to significantly boost its digital trade sector, targeting over 45% of services trade to be digitally deliverable by 2029, rising to 50% by 2035. 该计划包括扩大电子商务、数字内容和软件服务,同时改进数字贸易治理和跨境数据流动条例。 The plan includes expanding e-commerce, digital content, and software services, while also improving digital trade governance and cross-border data flow regulations. 中国还寻求在制定国际数字贸易规则方面发挥关键作用。 China also seeks to play a key role in setting international digital trade rules.