中国承诺在主要自由贸易区内平等对待外国和国内金融公司。 China pledges equal treatment for foreign and domestic financial firms in key free trade zones.
中国宣布,外国金融机构在包括北京和上海在内的特定自由贸易区提供新的金融服务时,将获得与国内金融机构同等的待遇。 China announced that foreign financial institutions will receive equal treatment to domestic ones in offering new financial services in specific free trade zones, including Beijing and Shanghai. 中央银行还表示,该国将简化与这些地区外国投资有关的资金转移程序。 The central bank also stated that the country will simplify the process for transferring funds related to foreign investments in these regions. 新准则由五个政府机构公布。 The new guidelines were published by five government agencies.