中国提供了第一批为各种工业用途设计的大型HY100无人机。 China delivers its first batch of large HY100 drones, designed for diverse industrial uses.
中国已交付了由Ursa航空公司制造的第一批国内开发的大型民用无人机,称为HY100。 China has delivered its first batch of domestically developed large civil drones, known as HY100, made by Ursa Aeronautical. HY100的起飞重量为5.25吨,有效载荷为1.9吨,可飞行多达1 800公里,运行时间可达10.6小时。 With a takeoff weight of 5.25 tonnes and a payload of 1.9 tonnes, the HY100 can fly up to 1,800 kilometers and operate for up to 10.6 hours. 这些无人机是为农业和林业保护、后勤和紧急救援设计的。 These drones are designed for agricultural and forestry protection, logistics, and emergency rescue. 它们提供的有效载荷和射程大于小型无人驾驶飞机,提高了它们在各种行业的效用。 They offer greater payload and range than smaller drones, enhancing their utility in various industries.