堕胎诊所的所有者搬到伊利诺伊州后Roe诉Wade案,面临当地反对和暴力。 Abortion clinic owner moves to Illinois post-Roe v. Wade, faces local opposition and violence.
在Roe诉Wade案被推翻后,堕胎诊所所有者LaDonna Prince将她的服务从印第安纳州转移到伊利诺伊州的丹维尔。 Abortion clinic owner LaDonna Prince moved her services from Indiana to Danville, Illinois, after Roe v. Wade was overturned. 尽管伊利诺伊州欢迎州外病人,但王子面临当地反对派,包括承包商拒绝工作,诊所遭到暴力袭击。 Despite Illinois welcoming out-of-state patients, Prince faced local opposition, including contractors refusing to work and a violent attack on the clinic. 专家们指出,即使在堕胎是合法的州,诊所也因地方反对派、不必要的医疗限制和骚扰而面临挑战,强调地方支持获得生殖保健的重要性。 Experts note that even in states where abortion is legal, clinics face challenges due to local opposition, medically unnecessary restrictions, and harassment, highlighting the importance of local support for reproductive healthcare access.