在孟买商场地下室发现一名30多岁的女子的尸体;警方调查死亡原因。 Body of a woman in her 30s found in Mumbai mall basement; police investigating cause of death.
周二早上在孟买Bhandup地区一个封闭商场的装满水的地下室发现一名妇女的尸体漂浮。 A woman's body was found floating in the water-filled basement of a closed mall in Mumbai's Bhandup area on Tuesday morning. 该妇女估计在30多岁,是商场一名工作人员发现的。 The woman, estimated to be in her 30s, was discovered by a mall staff member. 警方正在进行调查,查明她的身份并确定死因,并登记了一份意外死亡报告。 Police are investigating to identify her and determine the cause of death, having registered an accidental death report. 目前正在进行尸检。 A post-mortem examination is underway. 另外,一名老年妇女被发现死在旅馆房间里,没有发现任何违法乱玩的迹象。 Separately, an elderly woman was found dead in a hotel room, with no signs of foul play detected.